7 June 2024
June 7, 2024

Redesign of the urban plan of the Ville de Mont-Tremblant

As the land use and development plan for the MRC des Laurentides is in its final approval phase, Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant considered it important to take stock of the situation by mandating the firm DKA Architectes to carry out a comparative analysis of this plan and the brief we presented in July 2023.

Accordingly, Les Amis met earlier this week with the leadership of the Ville de Mont-Tremblant to discuss the overhaul of the urban plan:

In all likelihood, the new plan from the Ville will not be finalized before 2026.

Les Amis are asking the Ville to be much stricter in its regulations and in their application.

Ville leadership said it agrees with the concerns of Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant regarding the density and quality of real estate projects, the protection of the environment and especially the need to adequately plan for municipal infrastructure needs.

It is essential that the Ville’s leadership ensures that it meets the needs and expectations of its population (locals and vacationers) rather than those of real estate developers.
Les Amis recommended subjecting the entire territory of the Ville de Mont-Tremblant to Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programs (PIIA).
Other points discussed included performance indicators for the climate plan, 3D mapping of the territory, and a complete traffic plan prepared by experts.
Three documents are available:

A 2-page summary of our meeting with the Ville;

A 7-page summary of the comparative analysis by DKA Architectes;

A 21-page comparative analysis by DKA Architectes.

Our point of view: The ten-year master plan does not solve the issue of bad real estate developments. We face many challenges related to the development of the region; this is why Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant will continue to keep you informed of its follow-up efforts with the Ville’s leadership.

About Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant
Our mandate is to ensure the harmonious real estate development of the region while maintaining transparency and community acceptability.

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