30 May 2024
May 30, 2024

Municipal council summary

9 buildings! In March 2024, the CCU unanimously rejected an image plan project for the construction of 9 buildings on a property on Rue Terry-Fox owned by Ricardo Malzone and Adina Boeriu. Some of the reasons include: too much density; unrealistic deforestation; land constraints; and the fact that “access to residences will be difficult for fire department vehicles“. Despite the circumstances, the municipal council unanimously approved the request.

Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant do not understand why the Ville did not follow the CCU’s recommendation.

The sale of the two buildings in the Old Village has been postponed until November.

Lake protection associations received $25,000 for Lac Duhamel, $25,000 for Lac Ouimet, and $10,815 for Lac Forget.

The Ville de Mont-Tremblant has granted significant sums to Tourisme Mont-Tremblant ($25,000), the Mont X incubator ($100,000 in 2024 + $100,000 in 2025), and the Chambre de commerce du Grand Mont-Tremblant ($119,840).

Michel Savard asked why the Ville grants so much money to so many organizations.

Many parents are disappointed that the Ville has increased camp fees; the mayor and councilors made a decision without first consulting the community.

Our point of view:
The Ville continues to operate on a case-by-case basis without thinking about the expectations of all of its citizens.

About Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant
Our mandate is to ensure the harmonious real estate development of the region while maintaining transparency and community acceptability.

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