30 March 2024
March 30, 2024

Municipal council: summary

Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant attended the recent municipal council meeting:

Item #4.5 (special tax on water meters): as some residents do not receive water services from the Ville, we asked if the proposed $1.5 million special tax would apply to all residents in Mont-Tremblant. The Ville’s response was that the proposed special tax would apply to everyone, but item #4.5 was removed from the agenda so that the issue could be studied in more detail.

More than 200 people signed the referendum. Although this number was well below the required number, it demonstrates great concern on the part of citizens. As a result, the Ville will return with more details to better explain the situation.

Referendums: the Ville says current provincial regulations do not allow citizens to sign online. Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant believes that citizen participation would be stronger if additional registration options were offered to the community.

Four-story building zoned as two-story building at 150 chemin Desmarais: we informed elected officials that the zoning rules must be respected as developers are finding creative ways to get around the current regulations.

Item #8.8 (proposed zoning change at LAGO in the rue Cuttle sector): at the start of the meeting, the Ville announced that this item was removed from the agenda.

Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant opposes any zoning change that would benefit developer Cédric Grenon and his 70-decibel Car Elevator project at Lac Tremblant. In addition, we mentioned to elected officials that there is a legal risk for the Ville and for its taxpayers if they authorize the occupancy of a “hotel” that does not comply with the Quebec Building Code in terms of fire safety. The Ville should immediately inform its insurance company of this significant risk.

Item #8.9 (79 housing units in Mont Saint-Jovite): the Ville rejected the request. Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant have not taken a position for or against this project because we do not know the details. As we have repeatedly indicated to elected representatives, before considering any major project, officials should have an up-to-date traffic plan, updated infrastructure and capacity plans, and current and future 3D mapping. Instead of approving projects on an ad hoc basis, the Ville needs an overall vision and plan so that all parties understand the direction of our community.

About Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant
Our mandate is to ensure the harmonious real estate development of the region while maintaining transparency and community acceptability.

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