23 December 2023
December 23, 2023

LAGO project: return of the elevator?

On December 18, the municipal council approved “Request 2023-PIIA-152 – Elevator for vehicles” at LAGO Lac Tremblant.

Citizens are shocked and disappointed
Many citizens and Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant are both shocked and disappointed by the unanimous decision of municipal councillors. Furthermore, we do not agree with a statement made by Mayor Luc Brisebois; this decision is not in the best interest of citizens. On the contrary, it only favours the developer and the 46 potential buyers of the LAGO Phase 2 hotel project.

LAGO promoter: 1. Citizens: 0.
Promoter Cédric Grenon got what he wanted. For now.

It’s not just about noise; it is also about the safety of citizens

LAGO must remedy two building code violations issued by the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) which affect access by fire services.

According to this analysis by WSP, emergency services may have difficulty accessing properties on rue Cuttle.

The problems are not easy to solve: A judgement from the Québec Court of Appeal states that rue Cuttle cannot be widened.

Three questions

If the street is blocked, how will firefighters reach the residents?

How can the Ville accept the PIIA when there is a safety problem?

And who will pay the price?

Why it matters
70 decibels correspond to a noise level 100 times more intense than current noise regulations of 50 decibels in Mont-Tremblant.

How did this happen? Lago Project: a project that constantly requires “elevator returns” from the Ville because it is poorly planned and executed!

March 17, 2022: Municipal Council unanimously modifies articles 300 and 565 which authorizes car elevators up to 70 decibels in Mont-Tremblant. Why did the Ville do this? Who asked for it?

June 27, 2023: LAGO’s developer submits an application for a car elevator.

October 16, 2023: The CCU unanimously rejects a car elevator.

December 18, 2023: The Ville makes a difficult decision by unanimously approving a 70-decibel car elevator.

A terrible precedent: this goes beyond Lac Tremblant
Mont-Tremblant real estate developers will be able to use the articles 300 and 565 to deploy 70 decibel car elevators in a neighbourhood near you.


It’s not over. LAGO fire safety is a very big unresolved problem: ignored by the Ville.

We will obtain all documents related to this decision through Access to Information.

This situation is terrible for the community, ignores the principle of social acceptability and threatens the safety of the citizens of Mont-Tremblant.

About Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant
Our mandate is to ensure the harmonious real estate development of the region while maintaining transparency and community acceptability.

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