7 April 2024
April 7, 2024

Lac Tremblant: hotel or residential project?

LAGO lac Tremblant

At last month’s council meeting, the clerk announced that a request for a zoning change in the rue Cuttle sector (LAGO) had been removed from the agenda. Les Amis de Mont- Tremblant were unable to obtain: a) the details of the zoning request; b) why it was suddenly removed.

Monday evening, the subject of zoning will return to the city council for a vote. And we still don’t know what it’s all about.

Below are five reasons why the zoning change should be rejected:

  1. A demolition permit was granted for the Hôtel du Lac specifically for the construction of a tourist hotel.
  2. Hotel zoning permitted the developer to build many more units than residential zoning would have allowed.
  3. The Ville placed full-page advertisements in local newspapers stating that “LAGO is a tourist accommodation project.” We agree with the Ville; zoning should therefore remain unchanged.
  4. Even though the site is zoned as tourist accommodation, the developer and certain local real estate agents incorrectly advertised the “hotel” as residential and the Ville was informed of this by stakeholders on several occasions.
  5. The Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) issued a Fire Safety Correction Notice against LAGO in October 2023; the problems have not yet been resolved and the RBQ file is still open.

Why it’s important:

This entire project by the developer was disguised as a hotel so that he could benefit from a higher density, and was then marketed as residential. Changing the zoning by-law would allow this false pretense to become an unfortunate reality.

Our point of view:

Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant oppose any change to the zoning by-law that: a) would increase density; b) would benefit promoter Cédric Grenon (LAGO) and his 70-decibel car elevator project at Lac Tremblant.

Any potential zoning changes to the former Hôtel du Lac should not apply to or concern LAGO. These are completely separate questions.

Conclusion :

The saga of the LAGO project is a story of repeated errors since 2020. The Ville de Mont-Tremblant now has the opportunity to say no to point no. 8.12 on Monday’s agenda.

About Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant
Our mandate is to ensure the harmonious real estate development of the region while maintaining transparency and community acceptability.

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