19 June 2024
June 19, 2024

La Presse and LAGO: statement by the Deputy Mayor

Deputy Mayor Dominique Laverdure made a statement regarding LAGO and La Presse:

“Many of you will have seen the article published by La Presse about the LAGO project, which put my name in the spotlight. So I wanted to say here that I’m aware of the situation. It’s a fairly complicated issue. However, I’m approaching it without rancour and I’m taking the time to mention it because I have absolutely nothing to reproach myself for. The journalist is reporting on a situation dating back to 2022, specifically a conflict of interest regarding my participation in the municipal council’s decisions on the LAGO project. The situation in question was referred to the Quebec Commission of Inquiry, which closed the file in June 2023 and no charges were laid against me. The file is closed, so from now on I won’t say any more about this case, as you know it’s highly litigious and very complicated.”

Our point of view: There was clearly the appearance of a conflict of interest as Cédric Grenon (the LAGO promoter) was her former client. For this reason, she should have recused herself from this file.

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