Frequently Asked Questions

What is Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant?

Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant is a non-profit organization established by concerned residents with the goal of protecting the environment, unique character and community of Mont-Tremblant for current and future generations.

Why was Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant created?

Many residents are seeking greater protection for the quality of life in Mont-Tremblant, its environment, its local businesses, its natural beauty and its unique ecosystem with lakes, rivers, mountains and vegetation. These residents want Mont-Tremblant to conserve its flourishing habitat and natural public treasures. As the region continues to evolve very rapidly it is important to ensure that real estate development is better controlled, sustainable and more integrated with the environment and existing surroundings.

How does Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant intend to use its funding?

Briefs, studies, position statements, observation reports and surveys
Expert analysis, research on environmental impact of projects
Monitoring of municipal and agglomeration council meetings, consultation committees and public consultations by experts to generate transparency
Information and communication to residents and the public

Who created Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant?

Our group of founding members includes Pierre Baraby, Daniel Cook, Eric La Flèche, Manon Millette, Connor O’Brien and Jean-Luc Trahan, as well as other members of the community.

Who can join Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant?

Anyone that loves Mont-Tremblant & cares about our community. We welcome property owners, tenants, locals, residents & small business owners throughout Mont-Tremblant. If you would like to participate, please join Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant.

Does Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant accept donations?

Yes. There are 3 ways you can make a Donation: Interac e-Transfer or Credit Card or by mailing a Cheque.

Is Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant run by developers or politicians?

No. Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant is 100% independent & apolitical. Our goal is to preserve Mont-Tremblant — regardless of who is in office.

What is your Vision?

Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant envisions a healthy and vibrant community where people love to live. A community managed with care and transparency for the benefit of its citizens who have a voice on matters impacting their living environment.

Will Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant work with other Associations / Committees?

Yes. Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant intends to work with as many Citizens & Groups as possible.

Isn’t the Lake Association doing similar activities as Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant?

Our mandate is to monitor & affect change throughout Mont-Tremblant; not just the Lake.

How many participants are involved?

After 21 months, over 2,000 people follow Les Amis via our newsletter and Facebook page.

Is this a short-term project?

No. Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant has a long term / multi-year plan — regardless of who is in office.

Does Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant have a Board of Directors?

Yes. Pierre Baraby, Daniel Cook, Eric La Flèche, Manon Millette, Connor O’Brien & Jean-Luc Trahan.

Who is the President?

Jean-Luc Trahan.

Can Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant issue charitable tax receipts?


How can I contact Les Amis de Mont-Tremblant?

Complete contact information is located here.